When: Friday 22/04/2016 (Start 16:00) – Sunday 24/07/2016 (End 16:00)
Where: Troodos Camping Site
The program will include walks in nature, games, discussions on environmental issues, presentations, workshops and more.
Participation Cost:
– Members: 5 euro * (who have renewed their subscription)
– Not Members: 10 euro
– New Members: 5 euro * (people that will register now)
The participation fee includes the costs for the tent, all meals (breakfast, breaks, lunch, dinner) and participation in the activities.
Required materials you should have with you: http://goo.gl/iZwS5T
If you can’t bring with you any of these materials please contact us.
Registration Form: https://goo.gl/qayz7C
Deadline: 20/07/2016
More Info:
– Email: [email protected] , [email protected]
– Tel.: 25 347042
– Facebook Event: https://goo.gl/frqWPs