Project Duration: July 2022 – April 2023

Project Number: COMM/SUBV/2022/EYY/101100550/YFJ

Project Description:

The Activist Network is a project funded by the European Parliament,  that is designed by young people for young people and had the objective of setting up pan-European networks of community mobilisers and change-makers, enabling young people from all walks of life to make their voices heard by giving them the tools and resources they need to challenge the status quo and act on issues close to their hearts. In more detail, the project targeted young people with an interest in any type of community mobilization and activism and provided them with democratic and civic education, building their capacity to contribute to a vibrant EU democracy.

To achieve its objective and reach the audience, the Activist Network brought together 12 youth organisations, including 4 organisations representing marginalised groups, with solid experience in promoting and providing training on civic participation.  Specifically, the project delivered the following:

  • A 20-hour training programme on civic participation and activism, which provides young people with the necessary practical information and materials to train others and enable them to identify the issues they care about, learn how to create a network and develop their own campaign, project or event. The manual is available online in 10 European languages (including English and Greek) on the European Youth Forum’s website
  • Trained 29 young people to become trainers in their local communities in a dedicated 2-day Training for Trainers
  • Organized online and offline training events where they received the 20-hour training and learned about ways to engage with the EU institutions, such as together. eu.

The project consortium includes [add number of partners] partners from [add number of countries] different countries, as follows:


European Youth Forum (Belgium)


Please add the partners

More information about the project activities and outcomes is available on the project website: