How can we contribute to the construction of a fair, democratic and inclusive society? If you dream of a better future for yourself and all the young people of Europe, then all you have to do is participate in the EU Youth Dialogue and share your thoughts!
Just spend 2 minutes to take part in the online survey, that is being conducted within the framework of the “10th cycle of the EU Youth Dialogue: We Need Youth!” to understand the views of young people on the European Youth Goal #3 Inclusive Societies. By taking part in the online survey, you get the chance to win one of the 2 vouchers of €200 for flight tickets to a european destination of your choice by LOVE iSLAND TRAVEL!
1. How to participate?
The participation steps are easy:
- Enter the survey site HERE
- Fill the questions
- Fill your contact details and then “submit” your answers so you can immediately enter the draw to win one of the 2 vouchers of €200 for air tickets in a european destination of your choice!
The survey is available is available in 3 languages (Greek, English & Turkish) and lasts until 12th of January 2024. The winners will be announced by the Cyprus Youth Council until the 22th of January 2024.
Take part in the survey & get the chance to win 2 x €200 voucher for a trip to Europe HERE!
Your opinion and your participation is extremely important! Why is your participation important?
As part of the consultation process of the 10th cycle of the EU Youth Dialogue, the online survey is being conducted to gather and understand the views of young people in Cyprus regarding the European Youth Goal #3 Inclusive Societies.
The ultimate goal is to mainstreaming of the youth approach in public policies within the Union in order to shape policies and coordinate actions to enable and ensure the inclusion of all young people in society. Recently, the societal position of young people across the Europe has been impacted by global crises, such as the Covid-19 pandemic, the climate crisis, as well as the Russian aggression in Ukraine and its ensuing societal and economic impact on European societies, among others.
More specifically, in recent years young Europeans identified the following challenges: persistent poverty, social exclusion of minorities and vulnerable youth, health problems (such as Covid and mental wellbeing-related problems), access to quality employment and training, the climate crisis, peace and security, migratory flows (and the associated distribution of resources) and the use of new technologies (including artificial intelligence).
It is therefore essential to strengthen social inclusion and cohesion to contribute to the resilience of European societies and of young people, especially young people with fewer opportunities.
Thus, the purpose of this survey, and the consultation process overall, is to reach as many young people as possible, including those from minorities, in rural areas, with a handicap, from a socially vulnerable background, inter alia, in an effort to provide young people the opportunity to actively participate and contribute to the dialogue to “enable and ensure the inclusion of all young people in society,” without exclusions, in all aspects of social life.
For more information, please visit www.eydcyprus.eu or contact the Cyprus Youth Council via email: [email protected] or call at 22878316.
Take part in the survey and get the chance to win one of the 2 vouchers of €200 for flight tickets!