This is the 4th and final day with the National Youth Councils for the project of E-Deocracy.
We are very happy that we had the opportunity to work with our partners during the program in the issue of E-Democracy, aiming to bring together diverse voices of representatives of National Youth Councils.
We worked together, and with the help of our Pool of Trainers we managed to identified the needs of young people regarding digital democracy and we shared our opinions on how e-democracy could serve to further strengthen youth participation.
Stay tuned for the release of policy paper!!!

KNŻ – Kunsill Nazzjonali taż-ŻgħażagħНационален младежки форум – National youth forum Bulgaria MSS – Mladinski svet Slovenije Consiliul Tineretului din România Conselho Nacional de Juventude – Portugal Consejo Juventud España – CJE
Εθνικό Συμβούλιο Νεολαίας – Hellenic National Youth Council
Forum des Jeunes Consejo de la Juventud de España