On Saturday 04th of June, the Cyprus Youth Council organized a Local Living Lab at Kyperounda Youth Club in collaboration with Agros and Kyperounda Youth Clubs.

Local Living Lab is the first part of the SMART-Y project that placed youth at the centre of their communities’ transition towards the concept of the Smart village, identifying a number of specific thematic policy priorities which are relevant to them and respond to the “Green and Sustainable Europe” Youth Goal. Participants had the opportunity to discuss, identify and analyze challenges in implementing green and sustainable policies and solutions in rural areas.

Participants defined 3 “open challenges” which will be further developed in the cross-border hackathon, where international teams will formulate concrete solutions corresponding to these challenges. The best solutions will be directly implemented in form of a prototyping workshop, where youth can bring their idea from the hackathon to life.

We would like to thank our trainer Anna Michael for the facilitation of the Living Lab!

Stay tuned for more information regarding the upcoming Hackathon!