Nicosia, September 27, 2021

European Week of Sport 2021 – #BeActive

“Let’s spread the message, let’s give peace a chance”

The Cyprus Youth Council in collaboration with Home for Cooperation and the Peace Players Cyprus, with the support of the Catholic Maronite Youth, the Armenian Youth Cyprus and the Latins Religious Group-Cyprus, organised three sport activities as part of the European Week of Sport 2021. (#BeActive – Cyprus) on Friday September 24, 2021, between 17:00-20:00.

The sports activities included Basketball match at the basketball court in Ledra Palace, Cycling Tour around Nicosia starting at Home for Cooperation and evening outdoor Yoga again at Home for Cooperation.

The aim of the event was to promote the coexistence of young people from all communities of Cyprus, in order to promote Peace in our country. Τhe Cyprus Youth Council and its associates aim to share the message that Sports have the power to inspire, to unite people, talking to young people in a language they understand, create hope where there was only despair and also have the power to help tackle social exclusion breaking down racial barriers and obstacles that create all forms of discrimination.

During the event, all necessary measures have been taken as part of the Health Services of the Ministry of Health, in order to prevent the spread of Covid-19 and all participants they had to apply in advanced.

Let’s keep spreading the message, let’s give peace a chance!