The United Nations have included the reduction of road deaths and injuries by 50% globally until 2020, in their Sustainable Development Goals agenda.

The Cyprus Youth Council, in collaboration with the Youth Board of Cyprus are joining the UN’s efforts, via the road safety campaign #TakeCare.

#TakeCare aims to be a different awareness campaign, as it wants its audience to become the driver of its course.

The main idea behind #TakeCare is that youth should not be just the receiver of the campaign’s message but its transmitter.

For this reason, Cyprus Youth Council invites young people from all over Cyprus to participate in the campaign as ‘Chiefs’.

The team of Chiefs will be the driving force of the campaign. Persons that have experienced the consequences of a road accident, persons that are actively involved in road behaviour and in general persons that are passionate about contributing to society, are invited to participate.

After receiving training by road safety experts, the Chiefs will be responsible for coordinating the campaign and instructing and teaching other young people by undertaking their own initiatives such as organising visits and seminars in schools, universities, municipalities and NGOs.

If you wish to become a #TakeCare Chief please fill out the following form:

Deadline for applications: 30/09/2019!