“Future of Europe” is an initiative launched by the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) to offer a space for citizens to what they want in the future of the European Union. In this context, regional and local authorities are asked to engage in a dialogue with their citizens and collect feedback on their concerns, thoughts, proposals and ideas about the future of the EU.

«Citizens’ Dialogue on the Future of Europe» on Wednesday, at 5th of June 2019, at the Municipality of Strovolos (foyer), at 18:00

Share comments and follow the debate using the hashtag #eulocal on Twitter. You can also take part in the online survey run by the CoR to gather citizens’ opinions on the future of Europe.

Responses will be kept anonymous.

At the event, the following speakers will take part in the debate:
Mr Karl-Heinz Lambertz, President of the European Committee of the Regions
Mr Stavros Stavrinides, Member of the Bureau of the European Committee of the Regions, and Member of the Municipal Council of Strovolos
Dr Kalliope Agapiou-Josephides, Jean Monnet Chair Holder (2001), Ass. Professor, University of Cyprus

Moderator: Ms Marilena Evangelou, journalist

There will be interpretation in Greek, English and French.

Register here:
or call: 22470303, or send an email to: [email protected]

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/459252001496462/