Glafkos Dragoumis
Financial Secretary
Glafkos Dragoumis is originally from Strovolos and permanently resides in Nicosia. He has been an active member of the SEK Youth Department since April 2023, holding the position of General Treasurer of the department as well as the position of District Secretary of Nicosia.
He graduated from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Cyprus, specializing in Electrical Engineering in 2019. Apart from his career in Electrical Engineering, he was also involved in the hospitality industry for several years, where he served as a personnel manager in various establishments in Nicosia.
In April 2023, he was hired at the Free Labour Center of SEK Nicosia-Kyrenia, where he performs the duties of Organizational Secretary. An integral part of his job is negotiating and implementing Collective Agreements to improve employment conditions for members, enhance working conditions, and resolve workplace issues.
The goal of the SEK Youth Department is to study, promote, and address issues concerning the Working Youth and to secure its position within society through active participation in trade union, social, and other activities of SEK.
Through his experience at SEK and his active engagement in youth-related issues, he believes he can contribute further to the development of the Cyprus Youth Council.