Mikis Savvopoulos
Public Relations Secretary
Mikis Maximos Savvopoulos is from Larnaca where he is an active member of the local community. He is an American Academy Larnaca alum and carries the school’s motto “To Grow and To Serve” with him throughout his personal and professional life. After his military service, he attended university in the UK receiving a BA (hons) in Business Management with Law (Manchester) and an LLB (hons) (University of Law). He has been a member of the 23rd Hellenic Sea-scout Group of Larnaca since 2000, has attended numerous international and national scout seminars and has coordinated multitudinous events for all age groups within the scouting movement. Further, as an active member of the scouting movement, he is heavily involved in all aspects of the community, in particular volunteering. Following in family footsteps of generations, he is a lawyer at his family’s law practice in Larnaca.
Mikis is interested in the international geopolitical framework and how this effects society, from the world-stage to the man on the street. This, combined with the protection of the environment, remain the areas of utmost concern for today’s youth and their long-term prospects. Mikis is committed to engaged, transparent action on behalf of young people across the globe.