Criteria of Member

Full members

All youth organisations in Cyprus may become Full Members of the Council, provided that they:

a) Accept the principles and objectives of the Council.

b) Adhere to the principles which are set in the European Convention on Human Rights, operate based on democratic principles, have governing bodies and democratic election procedures, pursue their purpose and goals through democratic procedures and their Articles of Association do not contain non-democratic provisions.

c) Act in a pancyprian level, with a minimum number of 150 members at least in three districts (at least three student centres as regards student organisations) and their action is proven, they act independently, they have registered their Articles of Association or have procedural regulations and a schedule and the majority of their members (50% plus one) are young persons of 12-35 years of age.

d) Have a proven action (activities, workshops, conferences, campaigning).

e) Have paid the annual subscription which is required for Full Members.

f) Held the status of an Associate Member for at least one year.

g) Where they operate as a youth team within larger organisations, they are required to operate under separate procedural regulations which shall establish the autonomy of the decisions taken by young people and will give young people the capability to choose democratically their own representatives.

Connected  members

Organisations which operate in a pancyprian level may become Associate Members of the Council, provided that they:

a) Meet the same criteria as Full Members, as outlined in Chapter 4, Article 10 (A), except paragraphs c), e) and f) and accept the principles and the objectives of the Council.

b) Adhere to the principles that are set in the European Convention on Human Rights, operate based on democratic principles, have governing bodies and democratic election procedures, pursue their purpose and goals through democratic procedures and their Articles of Association do not contain non-democratic provisions.

c) Have at least fifty members.

d) Have paid the annual subscription which is required for Associate Members.

e) Associate Members may participate in the Members’ Meeting, have the right to express their opinion but they do not have the right to vote. They have the same rights as Full Members as regards the programmes and activities of the Council.

Observer Members

Organisations which operate in the youth field and their status does not meet the criteria of a Full nor an Associate Member may become Observer Members of the Council, provided that they:

a) Accept the principles and objectives of the Council.

b) Adhere to the principles that are set in the European Convention on Human Rights, operate based on democratic principles, have governing bodies and democratic election procedures, pursue their purpose and goals through democratic procedures and their Articles of Association do not contain non-democratic provisions.