On behalf of the Czech Presidency of the Council of the #EuropeanUnion2022, the European Parliament, and the European Commission, on 6th of December, co orginised the European Year of Youth conference under the theme “Claim the Future,” at the European Parliament, #Brussels, #Belgium
The president of CYC Maria Kola, and the Secretary General of CYC Christina Yiannapi, together with 3 youngsters, Andreas Yioupas, Damla Lama, Ioanna Tsingi who were selected after an open call procedure, were there, and they had the opportunity to take part in discussions on the #legacy of the European Year of Youth. #EYY2022
As the end of the European Year of Youth 2022 is approaching, it was time to took stock of its #achievements and to reflect on the Year’s legacy and on how youth policy remained high on the policy agenda. #EYY2022
During the day-long conference, roughly 700+ stakeholders, including a great number of #youngpeople, had the opportunity to meet and took part in thematic #sessions on education and mental health, #Inclusivity and #digital Europe.