On the 24th of June, the National Committee of European Youth Parliament Cyprus – EYP Cyprus and the Organising Team of the 16th National Session hosted the open Discussion with the tile ‘Actions of today, our world tomorrow’.
The President of the Cyprus Youth Council.Συμβούλιο Νεολαίας Κύπρου.Kıbrıs Gençlik Konseyi Mrs. Maria Kola was present at the Discussing Europe panel on befalf of the board of CYC.
In the context of the discussion, questions were eagerly responded from the speakers, touching on various relevant European topics that concern young people.
The discussion was about the tools that our democracy must develop in order to become more participatory, transparent and therefore more resiliant to the successive crises that put the future of young people at risk.
Young people must find something to stand for, and stand for it, because youth is not just the future of Cyprus, but also the present!
We would like to thank the National Committee of EYP Cyprus and the Organising Team of the 16th National Session for bringing us closer to young voices.
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