In the context of the campaign to get to know the new Board of the Cyprus Youth Council with the political parties, on Wednesday 14fth of September a meeting was held with Democratic Party.
Present at the meeting on behalf of Democratic Party were the president Mr. Nicolas Papadopoulos and the president of NEDHK Mr. Marios Mougis.
Present at the meeting on behalf of the Board of the CYC were the Vice President A’ Pantelitsa Evagorou, the Vice President B’ Petros Koukos, the Financial Secretary Kyriacos Mavrides, the Secretary of Public Relations Gavrilis Efstratiou and the Secretary of Program Development Antonis Tamp.
During the meeting, among other things, the role, mission and responsibilities of the CYC were discussed, as well as the bi-communal activity of the organization and the importance of these actions was emphasized as well as the role of the CYC as an umbrella organisation representing youth organizations from all the communities. Information was also given on the EU funded projects run by the Cyprus Youth Council.
There was also a discussion about the House of Youth Representatives and the importance of the program was emphasized as the program that gives young people the opportunity to participate.
In addition, the ban of unpaid internships was discussed and what has been achieved so far on the part of CYC, as well as what steps have been taken on behalf of the House of the Youth Representatives. Finally, the need for an increase in the budget for Youth in Cyprus was expressed as well as the upcoming campaign for the Presidential Elections which the CYC is preparing.
In the context of the meetings of the new Board of the CYC with the representatives of the political parties, a letter has been sent to all the political parties whose youth wings are our member organisations and the next meetings have already been planned.