📣 The President of the Cyprus Youth Council, Ms Maria Kola, the Vice President A’ of the Cyprus Youth Council, Ms Pantelitsa Evagorou, the former President of the Cyprus Youth Council and the Citizens’ Representative at the Conference on the Future of Europe, Mr Antonis Kourras, and the elected representative of the Cyprus Youth Council to the Board of the European Youth Forum, Ms Christiana Xenofontos, met with Ms Emilia Hannuksela – Associate Expert – Office of the Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth.

💬During the meeting, youth issues were discussed focusing on the role played by the youth of Cyprus and the Cyprus Youth Council in the process of maintaining peace and security in our country. We also informed our guest about the bi-communal actions of the Cyprus Youth Council, as well as the goal of engaging young people of Cyprus from all communities in policy making.

💯 It is very important to note that in the context of our discussion, the issue of promoting the UN resolution “UNSCR 2535 – Youth4Peace” was raised, both at the national and European level and how the UN can help promote this resolution in Cyprus.

Maria Kola Antonis Kourras Christiana Xenofontos Pantelitsa Evagorou Emilia Hannuksela

UN Youth Envoy UNFICYP European Youth Forum

