The 9th Cycle of EU Youth Dialogue started officially with the EU Youth Conference that held under the French presidency of the Presidency of the Council of the European Union, between 24-26 of January 2022.

The Conference is organized by the Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports, in partnership with the National Youth Council, CNAJEP and with the support of the European Commission.

The Conference marked the launch of the 9th cycle of the EU Youth Dialogue which will focus on the EU Youth Goals #3 “Inclusive societies” and #10 “A green and sustainable Europe”.

The EU Youth Conference assembled 250 young people, ministry representatives and policymakers from the 27 EU member-states, as well as delegates from third countries.

The conference aimed to:

  • Introduce the participants to the thematic issues;
  • Identify, prioritize and formulate priorities and urgent matters regarding the theme, which young people will work on within the framework of the 9th cycle of the EU youth dialogue;
  • Present the overall framework of the cycle and receive feedback on the qualitative and consultative consultation that will be launched after the conference.

Finally, the work of the European Youth Conference will feed the discussions of the Conference on the Future of Europe.

Cyprus Youth Council represented at the Conference by:

  • Maria Kola – President of the Cyprus Youth Council
  • Andreas Kyprianides –Policy and Projects Officer of Cyprus Youth Council
  • Demi Kavalierou – Member of the EU Youth Ambassadors Team of Cyprus Youth Council

Find more about the EU Youth Goals and the EU Youth Dialogue process at