On December 1st, 2021, the judging panel evaluated the photos that participated in the photo competition announced by the Cyprus Youth Council in the framework of the EU Youth Dialogue: “Click for Youth”.

The aim of the photo competition was to encourage young people to capture various aspects of democratic participation/active citizenship and to express their thoughts, ideas, opinions, and concerns, in relation to active participation through a creative and artistic process.

The competition lasted from the 21st of September to the 5th of November of 2021. A total of 30 young people participated in the competition and a total of 92 photos were submitted.

The judging panel was composed of Mr Antonis Kourras, president of the Cyprus Youth Council, Mrs Louli Michaelidou, on behalf of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sport and Youth and Mr Stelios Papapetrou, on behalf of the Youth Board of Cyprus.

1st Prize:

Andreani Karletti «Where two worlds are met»

2nd Prize:

Yiota Liopetriti «Our planet is not for sale – young people against climate change»

3rd Prize:

Eleni Pratsi «Learning»