The Cyprus Youth Council (CYC) is pleased to announce the organisation of the three-day Conference Cyprus 2030: We are the Youth of Today.” 

The Conference will be held on 2-4 July 2021 at Theo Sunset Bay HotelPaphos.

Purpose of the Conference:

The objectives of the Conference are to provide a safe space for youth to actively participate in the democratic life of Cyprus, and to open the floor for debates around the topics mentioned above as the core of the European Youth Strategy and the National Youth Strategy, with regards to Youth Goals and its dialogue mechanisms. The Conference is linked with the objectives and principles of the EU Youth Dialogue and with the National Youth Strategy of Cyprus. Thus, the Conference will mainly focus on the consultation of 4 Youth Goals, namely Moving Rural Youth Forward (Youth Goal 6), Quality Employment for All (Youth Goal 7), Quality Learning (Youth Goal 8), but also on Connecting EU with Youth (Youth Goal 1). Furthermore, the youngsters will have the opportunity to discuss these themes with policy makers, youth experts and representatives of public authorities, and potentially with representatives from different Ministries and from the European Commission.

The Conference will promote the active participation of young people in the democratic life in Europe and their further interaction with decision-makers. Young people will be provided with a safe space, and through non-formal education they will be able to express their views and concerns. Therefore, they will be given the space to form recommendations and proposals on how youth policies should be shaped and implemented in Cyprus and in the EU in a broader sense.

CYC will collect and process the recommendations and opinions of youth during the Conference and will forward them to the relevant institutions in Cyprus and the EU in order to influence policymaking on youth matters.

Profile of the participants:

  • Be aged 16 – 30 years old
  • Have a growing interest in youth and politics
  • Have knowledge about the European Youth Goals, the European and National the Youth Strategy
  • Be actively involved in Youth NGOs – members of CYC although not mandatory
  • Be able to take part in all the workshops

Information about costs, accommodation and food:

Participants will incur a participation fee of €30 which will cover full boarding and lodging during the seminar. (After the selection, each participant is responsible to pay the fee at least ten (10) days before the Conference. Further details will be sent to the selected persons).

Transportation Expenses:

Each participant who resides outside Paphos province and will travel to the Conference area in their private car will be given the sum of twenty (20) Euros for transportation expenses. In order to receive the above amount, relevant evidence must be submitted.

Working language:

The working language of the seminar will be Greek. However, if there are sufficient English-speaking participants there will be a workshop in English.

Event Info:

Submission of applications:

All applicants should complete the application form

Application deadline: Thursday, 17 June 2021, 23:59

*Participants that will take part in all activities of the conference will receive a certificate of attendance.

**There is a limited number of participants. Priority will be given to applicants from member organisations of the Cyprus Youth Council.

For more information, please contact Cyprus Youth Council at 22878316 and/or at [email protected]