Call for the position of a Projects Officer for the Cyprus Youth Council for immediate employment.

Deadline for applications: 11th of September 2019

The Cyprus Youth Council (CYC) is recruiting a full-time Projects Officer to contribute to its work.

The successful candidate will be based in CYC’s offices in Nicosia and will be in charge for the coordination of the work of the “Annual Action Plan of EU Youth Dialogue Programme with Youth and their Organizations” as well as for all the projects of the Cyprus Youth Council.

The Project Officer will work for the CYC and will cooperate closely with the National Working Group of the EU Youth Dialogue as well as with the Youth Board of Cyprus (ONEK). She/he will be directly responsible to the Secretary General and to the Volunteer-led Executive Secretariat of the Cyprus Youth Council.

EU Youth Dialogue with youth and their organizations is a European process that aims at bringing together youth and policy makers to discuss and reach to joint conclusions on issues of mutual concern.

The Cyprus Youth Council (CYC) was established in 1996 and is the only platform that represents Non-Governmental Youth Organizations in Cyprus. It acts as their coordinating body with the state and as a representative at international fora.

CYC’s members include the majority of political youth organizations, students’ organizations, labour organizations, civil society organizations, farmers’ organizations, Turkish-Cypriot organizations, religious minorities and many other organizations representing broad spectrum of interests including social, human rights and environmental issues.


•Coordinates the implementation of the annual action plan for ‘EU Youth Dialogue’.

• Drafts, develops and manages youth programmes (Erasmus, EU, and Youth Board of Cyprus) for the Cyprus Youth Council.

• Represents the Cyprus Youth Council abroad (availability for frequent travels abroad required).

• Travels frequently in urban and rural areas in Cyprus.

•Monitors and reports on youth policy trends in the EU to all relevant stakeholders (young people, youth organizations, European Youth Forum).

•Monitors and reports to all stakeholders on EU policies.

•Facilitates the participation of all stakeholders in policy developments in the EU related to the EU Youth Dialogue process.

•She/he is Liaison between the EU Youth Dialogue process, stakeholders at local, national and international level (e.g. local Youth Councils, Cyprus Youth Board, European Steering Committee etc.).

•Transfers policy advice from the Cyprus Youth Council and the European Youth Forum towards policy makers in the youth field.

•Maintains regular contact with the different actors in the field, including European Youth Forum’s Member Organizations, Cyprus Youth Council’s Member Organizations, the European Commission, and national authorities in charge of youth policy issues.

•Organizes, runs and takes part in international meetings and projects concerning the Youth Dialogue.

•Contributes to the organization of activities and of the Youth Dialogue with young people.

•Carries out research and draft reports for CYC.

•Drafts articles for CYC.

•Drafts newsletters/articles about CYC and Youth Dialogue.

•Availability to work on a flexible working hours’ schedule.

•Other tasks that could be assigned related to the Cyprus Youth Council.


•University degree in a related field of study – minimum equivalent of UK Second Class honors degree (2:2).

• A Master’s degree from a recognized institution in a related field of study, will be considered as an advantage.

•Excellent knowledge of the Greek Language – written and oral (proof will be required from shortlisted candidates).

•Very Good to Excellent knowledge of the English Language – written and oral (proof will be required from shortlisted candidates).

•Very Good knowledge of EU languages and/or Turkish – written and oral – will be considered as an advantage (proof will be required from shortlisted candidates).

• One year of experience in European funded programmes is a prerequisite. Additional experience will be considered an advantage.

• An additional one year of experience in national funded programmes would be considered an advantage.

• Experience in Structured Dialogue/EU Youth Dialogue programmes will be considered an advantage.

• Experience in youth organizations will be considered an advantage.

• Excellent knowledge of ICTs skills (MS Office).


Applicants must submit:

A.           A CV

B.           A cover letter expressing their interest and suitability for the role.

The application must be submitted via email at [email protected] no later than 11th of September 2019 (23:59 – Cyprus Local Time).

Late applications will not be considered.

Due to the high number of applications usually received, only candidates short-listed for interviews will be contacted. The actual dates for the interview will be announced at a later stage.


The Cyprus Youth Council aims to ensure that no job applicant or employee receives less favorable treatment on the ground of race, colour, nationality, religion, ethnic or national origin, gender, marital status, caring responsibilities, sexual orientation, disability or chronic illness.