Sexuality Education (SE) is one of the most important prevention tools against violence. The Cyprus Youth Council supports the right of all children to develop knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary for taking informed decisions about their health and well-being and for building healthy and equal relationships (you can find the relevant policy paper, which was adopted by the GA of 2016, here: We, also, call the Ministry of Education and Culture to respond to its commitment to provide Sexuality Education at all education levels.

Click to view the infographic in full size: (EN) & (GR)

For more information,visit:

Call for Action: The Right to Sexuality Education in Cyprus

The publication above is produced as part of the Europe Unite for Comprehensive Sexuality Education Rights project implemented by the youth-led organisations CHOICE for Youth and Sexuality and YouAct, with support from Share-Net International. In Cyprus, the project is implemented in partnership with the Cyprus Family Planning Association (CFPA).  

#Unite4CSE #RightToKnow #Right2BeSafe #Right2BeHappy

CHOICE for Youth and Sexuality YouAct