YEU Cyprus is organizing a three-days Structured Dialogue conference on the topic of successful activism in the field of the Cyprus Issue and not only! The main aim of the conference is to motivate youth to take part in the decision making process on a political level through the discussions on the Cyprus issue and promote successful ways of activism through current and past examples. If you would like to discuss about this topic and share your ideas with other youth from all communities of Cyprus, then do not hesitate to join our event!

Non-formal methodologies will be used to reach the objectives of the programme. By the end of the conference, we aim to come up with recommendations on how youth can be more motivated and engaged in the decision making process regarding the Cyprus issue. For more information about the programme:

The conference will be held in English and it will take place at Ledra Palace Hotel (Markou Drakou Str, Nicosia) between 5th and 7th of April. The timetable is as follows:
Friday: 17:00 – 20:00
Saturday: 10:00 – 17:00
Sunday: 10:00 – 16:00
Participants are requested to join the whole event.

The participation on the programme is for free and it will provide coffee breaks and two meals for Saturday and Sunday. We can provide accommodation or traveling budget upon request for participants who are coming from other cities of Cyprus.

If you are interested to join this opportunity, fill in the participation form no later than 1st of April:

The project is funded by Europe for Citizens and it is under the scope of the long term project #GetUpStandUp which surrounds itself with influential European protests in order to raise awareness of their significance, use them as examples to stimulate debate and finally utilize them as means of reflection and comparison on their nature and their influence on our society and contemporary protests as well.